The process of applying for a lost title deed in the Deeds Office might seem overwhelming at first, but we can assist and guide you through the whole process. It is important to have your original title deed not only to prove ownership, but it is also needed when selling your property. Please note that if your property is bonded by a financial institution, the financial institution will be in possession of your title deed as security.

Here are the simple steps to follow when applying for a Lost Title Deed copy:

  1. We draft an affidavit confirming that the title deed has been lost and that you are applying for a new one. This affidavit will be commissioned by one of the attorneys from our firm.
  2. An application for the replacement of the title deed is drafted and signed. This application is done in terms of Regulation 68(1) of the Deeds Registries Act.
  3. The application for the replacement of the lost tile deed must then be advertised in a local newspaper in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Deeds Office. This advertisement must lay for inspection for two weeks before the application may be lodged in the Deeds Office.
  4. Once the application has been lodged in the Deeds Office, the processing thereof will take approximately 7 – 10 business days, whereafter a certified copy of the title deed will be issued that will be seen as the original.
  5. Delivery of the certified copy may take up to 2 months.

It is important to note that if you are selling you property, the process of the application of the lost title deed can be done simultaneously with the transfer of the property to the new owner.

Feel free to contact Etienne Bedeker Inc to request a quote for the application of your lost title deed.